2018-11-09 18:00:23 UTC
QtCreator gets so many cool new features, but daily work is a real pain, if
* working with some projects using different Kits (Android, iOS,
Desktop) and have different selected
* having same ClassNames and context properties in multi projects
have created two videos to demonstrate this:
QML Import Path not found:
* https://vimeo.com/299921441/949b6c6680
* https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-20195
The First One Wins: auto-completion broken:
* https://vimeo.com/299922361/77febdfceb
* https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-20211
Both bugs break code-completion: the first one for all imports not
found, second one for all but the first project accessing context
properties with sdame name in different projects
this slows down productivity
* working with some projects using different Kits (Android, iOS,
Desktop) and have different selected
* having same ClassNames and context properties in multi projects
have created two videos to demonstrate this:
QML Import Path not found:
* https://vimeo.com/299921441/949b6c6680
* https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-20195
The First One Wins: auto-completion broken:
* https://vimeo.com/299922361/77febdfceb
* https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-20211
Both bugs break code-completion: the first one for all imports not
found, second one for all but the first project accessing context
properties with sdame name in different projects
this slows down productivity